A controversial approval: Governor says Zulu memorial must also honour British troops

View from the ocean of Jamestown, St Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean

Of the 25 Zulu leaders who were imprisoned at St Helena from 1907 to 1910, 7 died on that island. There are no graves to show. More than a century later, in 2020, when the island was about to erect a memorial, then the unexpected happened . . . I was among those who responded ukukhuza umhlola! Published in The Sentinel – 11 June 2020.

The seven Zulu prisoners who died at St Helena

Wall of the High Knoll Fort, a prominent landmark at St Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean.

Of the 25 Zulu leaders who were imprisoned at St Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean, from 1907 to 1910, 7 died on that island. There are no graves to show. Little is known about them. I have begun doing some research . . . Published in The Sentinel – 16 April 2020.

Durban street names spot on

Durban street name, Dr Langalibalele Dube

They may be long-winded, but they are commendably unambiguous. Published in The Witness – 20 August 2014.

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