A controversial approval: Governor says Zulu memorial must also honour British troops

Of the 25 Zulu leaders who were imprisoned at St Helena from 1907 to 1910, 7 died on that island. There are no graves to show. More than a century later, in 2020, when the island was about to erect a memorial, then the unexpected happened . . . I was among those who responded ukukhuza umhlola! Published in The Sentinel – 11 June 2020.
The seven Zulu prisoners who died at St Helena

Of the 25 Zulu leaders who were imprisoned at St Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean, from 1907 to 1910, 7 died on that island. There are no graves to show. Little is known about them. I have begun doing some research . . . Published in The Sentinel – 16 April 2020.
Are we being reckless with our history? Confusion around His Majesty’s birthday

This is an example of our cavalier attitude to facts. Published in The Witness – 21 October 2014.
Durban street names spot on

They may be long-winded, but they are commendably unambiguous. Published in The Witness – 20 August 2014.